Summer 2016 Media Release

Annual Assessment Forecasts
Adequate Electricity Supplies for this Summer
(Assessment covers the City and State of New York, New England, and Eastern Canada)
The Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc. (NPCC) today released the results of its annual summer reliability assessment. The assessment concludes that the NPCC Region will have an adequate supply of electricity this summer, based on thousands of simulations covering a wide range of system and weather conditions.
“The overall NPCC forecast for electricity peak demand is 1,050 MW lower than last year’s forecast. This is because improvements in energy efficiency, demand response programs and contributions from “behind-the-meter” solar facilities have more than offset load growth associated with projected economic activity,” said Edward Schwerdt, President and CEO of NPCC.
The assessment considered an array of severe system conditions including the impact of: 1) extended maintenance; 2) reductions in demand-response programs; 3) reductions in the ability to import power from neighboring Regions; 4) transmission constraints; and 5) extreme weather characterized by wide-spread and prolonged heat waves with high humidity and temperatures.
Established operating procedures are available to maintain reliability and keep electricity supplies and demand in balance if severe system conditions or extreme weather occur.
“The Region’s reliability will be strengthened by completion of multiple transmission projects that will increase transfer capability within New York and New England. In addition, NPCC’s installed net capacity has increased by approximately 2,700 MW, primarily due to new wind and hydro units in Ontario and Quebec,” said Schwerdt.
For New York City and throughout New York State, an adequate supply of electricity is forecast. This also holds true for Ontario and New England. Finally, the winter peaking Québec and the Canadian Maritime Provinces are expected to meet forecasted electricity demand by a wide margin.
A summary of the NPCC 2016 Summer Reliability Assessment is available at:
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America