NPCC 2015 General Meeting

Attached is the Agenda for the upcoming NPCC General Meeting to be held at the Albany Marriott Hotel, 189 Wolf Road Albany, NY 12205. The theme of the 2015 General Meeting is “Maintaining Reliability.” The meeting begins on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. Following the welcoming remarks, NPCC’s Chairman, Harvey Reed and Edward Schwerdt, President & CEO of NPCC will highlight NPCC’s recent activities and accomplishments and outlook for the future.
In the Keynote Session, “Reforming the Energy Vision”, the Honorable Audrey Zibelman
Chair, New York State Public Service Commission will summarize the regulatory changes underway in New York that promotes the more efficient use of energy, deeper penetration of renewable energy resources, wider deployment of “distributed” energy resources, and storage, providing new opportunities for energy savings, local power generation, and enhanced reliability.
Kim Warren, Vice-President, Market and System Operations and COO of the Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator will provide an overview of Ontario’s experience with the challenges experienced “maintaining reliability” in the face of their changing resource mix, embedded generation capacity and pricing impacts (time of use rates and the Industrial Conservation Initiative).
The meeting will conclude with an update on the preparations underway to “maintain reliability” for the 2015/2016 winter period by Wes Yeomans, Vice President of Operations, the New York ISO and John Norden, Director of Operations, ISO-New England.
Bradley Jones, recently appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of the New York ISO will speak at a reception and dinner the previous evening, following the meetings of the NPCC Reliability Coordinating Committee, and the Governmental/Regulatory Affairs Advisory Group (reception starts at 5:30 pm, with dinner at 6:30 pm).
If you haven’t done so by now, please make your plans to attend. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Albany Marriott Hotel. Please call the Hotel directly at (800) 228-9290 or (518) 458-
8444 and mention the Northeast Power Coordinating Council in order to obtain the special group rate. Reservations must be made by Thursday, November 12, 2015. After that date rooms will be released and will be subject to space and rate availability.
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America