RFP for Independent Contract Compliance Auditor 2016

NPCC is soliciting proposals to retain the services of Independent Contract Auditors/Consultants to conduct compliance audits of registered entities in the Northeastern United States and Canada. In this context, independent refers to an individual/entity having the knowledge, judgment and capability to execute responsibilities autonomously, not being subject to control by others, and being free of actual and perceived conflicts of interest.
NPCC is seeking Independent Contract Compliance Auditors who have experience in Operations and Planning, experience in auditing of FERC Order No. 693 reliability standards. Knowledge and expertise in the following reliability standards: BAL; COM; EOP; FAC; INT; IRO; TOP, and VAR is a must. Auditors are also being considered for CIP auditing. Particular experience in auditing CIP version 3 standards and expertise in CIP version 5 standards is necessary.
A. Retention of Independent Contract Compliance Auditors- Scope of Services
The Scope of Services for Contract Auditors includes:
1. Participate in on-site compliance audits, including ensuring all aspects of the on-site audit have been conducted consistent with NPCC procedures and policies;
2. Participate in off-site audits including review of submitted material and ensuring that all aspects of the off-site audit have been conducted consistent with NPCC procedures and policies;
3. As appropriate and as assigned, participate in the NPCC Compliance Audit Team for either the on-site audit or off-site audit;
4. As appropriate and as assigned, participate in NERC and NPCC process informational sessions;
5. Technical review of submitted materials from registered entities;
6. Draft the audit report, consistent with the NERC Audit Report Template, which shall include observations and findings, identification of specific potential violations and severity levels of non-compliance;
7. Provide necessary input and support for any discussions regarding settlement or hearings issues related to any audit findings.
See attachment for more details.
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America