Summer 2015 Media Release

Annual Assessment Forecasts
Adequate Electricity Supplies for this Summer
(Assessment covers New England, the City and State of New York and Eastern Canada)
The Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc. (NPCC) today released the results of its annual summer reliability assessment. The assessment concludes that the Region will have an adequate supply of electricity this summer.
“The overall NPCC forecast for electricity peak demand is essentially the same as last year’s forecast. In fact, the forecasted peak demand has remained flat over the last four years. Contributing factors to this trend include economic conditions, ongoing conservation measures, improvements in efficiency and contributions from demand response programs,” said Edward Schwerdt, President and CEO of NPCC. “It should be noted, that ambient weather conditions remain the most important variable in forecasting peak demand during the summer months,” added Schwerdt.
The assessment indicates that NPCC will have adequate generation and transmission capability for this summer. Severe system conditions considered included the impact of: 1) extended unit maintenance; 2) reductions in demand-response programs; 3) reductions in the ability to import power from neighboring Regions; 4) transmission constraints; and 5) extreme weather characterized by wide-spread, prolonged heat waves with high humidity and near-record temperatures.
“Compared to last summer, NPCC’s net installed capacity has increased by 3,400 MW. From a reliability perspective, the most beneficial addition because of its size and location is the return to service of the four-unit Danskammer plant, which has been repowered after being severely damaged by Hurricane Sandy,” said Schwerdt.
The Region’s reliability will also be strengthened by the transmission line additions and facilities associated with the Maine Power Reliability project and the New England Interstate Reliability project.
For New York City and throughout New York State, an adequate supply of electricity is forecast. This also holds true for Ontario and New England. Finally, the winter peaking Québec and the Canadian Maritime Provinces are expected to meet forecasted electricity demand by a wide margin.
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America