NPCC Directory #3 Maintenance Criteria BPS Protection retired effective April 1st, 2015

On October 15th, 2014 the NPCC Full Member Committee voted to approve the retirement of NPCC Regional Reliability Directory#3 Maintenance Criteria for BPS Protection.
As required by the NERC Rules of Procedure and concurrent with the development of Reliability Standard PRC-005-2 Protection System Maintenance the NPCC Task Force on System Protection (TFSP) completed a technical comparison between the criteria in Directory#3 and the provisions of PRC-005-2 and concluded that the Directory could be retired.
In accordance with the NPCC Directory Development and Revision Manual and in order to insure that the criteria is not inconsistent with the revised ERO standard Directory#3 will be retired effective upon the April 1st, 2015 enforcement date of PRC-005-2.
The NPCC criteria contained in Directory#3 has for many years established industry leading reliability requirements for Bulk Power System protection maintenance practices and also served as the ‘reliability bar’ that guided the development of PRC-005-2.
NPCC wishes to extend its thanks to the Members of the Task Force on System Protection for their comprehensive review of this proposal and to all of the Full Members who participated in the quorum that considered this important reliability issue.
A copy of the final Member vote may be found at:
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America