2012 Summer Media Advisory

Media Conference Call
NPCC’s Summer Electricity Assessment
Includes New England, the City and State of New York and Eastern Canada
The Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc. (NPCC), which coordinates the reliability of the bulk electric system in Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada, has completed its annual assessment of electricity reliability for this summer. This is the most integrated, detailed and up-to-date assessment of the bulk electric system’s reliability for the 2012 summer months.
A media statement and Summary Assessment Report will be electronically available after 6:00 PM EDT, Wednesday, May 9th on request. Please email vgeba@salientpointllc.com.
A media teleconference will be held Thursday, May 10th by NPCC President and CEO, Edward Schwerdt and Philip Fedora, Assistant Vice President of Reliability Services to respond to questions regarding the reliability of the bulk electric system in the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada during the 2012 summer months.
DATE & TIME: Thursday, May 10, 2012, 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM EDT
FORMAT: A brief summary will be presented by Messrs. Schwerdt and Fedora, followed by an open Q&A period.
DIAL IN NUMBER: (866) 392-0601
CONFERENCE ID #: 72483076
When asking questions during the teleconference, media representatives are requested to identify themselves and ask only one question at a time. When not asking a question, please put phone on mute (*6) to reduce background noise.
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America