NPCC Draft Directory Development and Revision Manual Posted for Comment until Sept. 12, 2011

Attached for your review and comment is a draft of the new Directory Development and Revision Manual.
NPCC Directories have been developed in order to provide a consistent and comprehensive set of reliability requirements for the Northeast while consolidating related information for NPCC Criteria, Guidelines, Procedures, and Regional Standards into one document.
This document is intended to provide guidance regarding the process of establishing a new or revised Directory and in particular will clarify the roles and ownership responsibilities of the NPCC Task Forces which are responsible for Directory content.
The NPCC Open Process Review may be accessed through the following link:
Comments on the draft Directory Development and Revision Manual will be received for forty five days through September 12th, 2011 and all comments will be addressed by NPCC Staff.
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America