Solicitation Letter for PRC-002-NPCC-02

A new RSAR for NPCC Regional Standard PRC-002-NPCC-02 Disturbance Monitoring has been approved by the RSC, and assigned to TFSP by the RCC. In accordance with the NPCC Regional Standard Processes Manual, NPCC is soliciting for any interested candidates to assist with the drafting of the standard. The anticipated workload is 2-3 “in-person” meetings and 4-6 teleconferences. Attached is a self-nomination form to be completed and returned by any interested persons no later than April 10th, 2015. The Regional Standards Committee will review and approve any additional qualified candidates who self nominate at its April 22-23, 2015 meeting. Please distribute this email to any potential interested candidates. This information will also be posted on the NPCC website.
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America