NPCC Full Member Committee Approves Phase 2 Versions of Directory #9 and Directory #10

On December 28, 2011 the Full Member Committee of NPCC approved revised versions of NPCC Regional Reliability Directory#9 Verification of Gross and Net Real Power and Regional Reliability Directory #10 Verification of Gross and Net Reactive Power each of which was reformatted in accordance with Phase 2 of the NPCC Directory project.
Phase 2 has been initiated in order to reorganize the criteria section of each Directory into NERC style requirements which will promote the criteria as more specific or more stringent and also facilitate the NPCC Criteria Compliance Enforcement Program (CCEP).
The revision of both Directories was managed by the Task Force on Coordination of Operation (TFCO) and they are the first NPCC Directories to be revised in this manner.
NPCC Directories provide a consistent and comprehensive set of reliability requirements for the Northeast while consolidating related information for NPCC criteria, guidelines, procedures and regional standards into one document.
The revised versions of Directories #9 and #10 as well as details of the final Full Member vote may be found at:
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America