CEAP Phase 2 Questions UFLS

Cost Effectiveness Questions
NPCC is addressing the convergence of the final approval milestones of the UFLS Regional Standard and the development of the Cost Effectiveness Analysis Procedure with a posting designed to evaluate the cost effectiveness of the standards requirements.
All responses will be held individually confidential and aggregated to provide the industry with raw total cost effectiveness information for the standard’s ballot. Send your responses via E-mail to NPCCstandard@npcc.org by Nov. 2, 2011.
1) On a requirement by requirement basis, are the Requirements effective in achieving the reliability objective of the Standard and if not, why?
2) Are there alternative ways to achieve the draft Standard’s reliability objective? If so, what alternatives are there and which requirements would they replace? This must be supported by studies done or be demonstrable.
3) On a requirement by requirement basis, do the draft requirements in the Standard achieve or contribute to a level of reliability that is “adequate”, i.e. acceptable? If so, how? If not, why not?
4) Is there any adverse impact to reliability or any other existing standard, NPCC Regional Criteria, or in-process project draft Standard(s), of which your organization is aware?
5) Describe the size of your organization in broad general terms, e.g. GO-Total installed MWs, TOs circuit miles by kV and total load served, etc.
6) What are the gross anticipated one-time and ongoing costs of implementing the Standard as presently drafted (labor and materials)? Is there a cost recovery mechanism in place for your organization, i.e. markets or tariffs?
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America