Directory #3 Maintenance Criteria for BPS Protection Retired Effective April 1st, 2015

On October 15th, 2014 in accordance with Article IX of the NPCC Amended and Restated Bylaws dated January 1st, 2012, the NPCC Full Member Committee voted to retire Regional Reliability Directory #3 Maintenance Criteria for BPS Protection effective April 1st, 2015 upon the enforcement date of PRC-005-2 Protection System Maintenance.
The maintenance criteria in Directory#3, which has for many years established industry leading reliability requirements for Bulk Power System protection in the Northeast, is being retired in order to insure that the NPCC regional criteria is not inconsistent with the revised ERO standard in accordance with the NERC Rules of Procedure.
In order to facilitate compliance with the maintenance intervals in the legacy standard that PRC -005-2 has replaced, Directory #3 will remain on the NPCC website and will be marked as retired until such time that PRC-005-2 is fully implemented.
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America