NPCC Draft Glossary of Terms Posted for Comment until Sept. 12, 2011

Attached for your review and comment are two documents which have been developed in order to support the transition to the new NPCC Glossary of Terms and the eventual retirement of the existing A7 document.
The first document contains all terms used within NPCC Directories and also highlights those terms which are defined differently in the NERC Glossary.
The second document contains all of the remaining terms found in the existing A7 but not used in any Directories.
All of the terms as they currently appear in these documents have already been approved as part of existing NPCC Directories or other documents.
NPCC intends to establish a new Glossary of Terms by combining both of these documents into respective sections of the Glossary; one for A criteria terms and another for B and C terms.
The purpose of this Open Process notification is to present the format of the new NPCC Glossary of Terms and provide notification of NPCC’s intent to establish the Glossary and retire the A7.
Ultimately, and as part of the Phase 2 reformatting of each Directory, NPCC Task Force’s will be asked to review instances where two separate definitions (NERC and NPCC) exist to determine whether the NPCC definition is warranted.
The new NPCC Glossary of Terms is intended to be a repository of all NPCC defined terms and contains the Full Member approved definition of that term as developed by the Task Force responsible for the Directory in which the term resides.
As described in the Directory Development Manual, the process of establishing or revising a NPCC defined term shall be considered a revision to the Directory in which the term resides in order to capture the context of its use within the document.
Accordingly, the entire Glossary will not be subject to the Open Process for a revision to an individual definition.
The NPCC Open Process Review may be accessed through the following link:
Comments on the draft Glossary of Terms will be received for forty five days through September 12th, 2011 and all comments will be addressed by NPCC Staff.
See the attachment for details.
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America