Compliance Guidance Statement CGS-005 is now posted

NPCC is issuing this Compliance Guidance Statement (CGS-005) to clarify the Bulk Electric System elements on which NPCC will actively monitor and enforce compliance of PRC-002-NPCC-01.
NPCC has initiated a Regional Standard Authorization Request (RSAR) to effectuate a revision to PRC-002-NPCC-01 that is expected to clarify the technical requirements of disturbance monitoring equipment (recognizing NERC Standard Development activities on this issue) and to result in the development of a separate implementation plan related to newly identified BES elements resulting from the application of the revised BES definition.
CGS documents, as necessary, will be periodically released to all the NPCC Registered Entities and be posted on the NPCC Compliance website.
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America