Directories #9 and #10 Verification of Real and Reactive Power Posted for Full Member Ballot until December 29th, 2011

Attached for your review and approval are NPCC Regional Reliability Directory#9 Verification of Gross and Net Real Power and Directory #10 Verification of Gross and Net Reactive Power which have each been revised in accordance with Phase 2 of the NPCC Directory project and approved by the Reliability Coordinating Committee (RCC) at its meeting on November 29th, 2011.
Phase 2 of the Directory project has been initiated in order to reformat the criteria section of each document into specific NERC style requirements which will promote the criteria as more specific or more stringent within each Directory and facilitate the NPCC Criteria Compliance Enforcement Program (CCEP).
The reformatting of both Directories was managed by the Task Force on Coordination of Operation (TFCO) which posted the documents to the NPCC Open Process on two separate occasions.
The Regional Standards Committee (RSC) has also provided oversight for the revisions on each Directory which are the first NPCC Directories to undergo this reformatting.
In addition to the Phase 2 changes as described above, the TFCO also made the following revisions based on comments received during the Open Process postings:
• Established TFCO as the Lead Task Force for both Directories.
• Changes to certain data retention requirements within each Directory.
• Revisions to certain reporting requirements.
• Removal of Measures
In accordance with Section VIII of the NPCC Amended and Restated Bylaws dated July 24, 2007 this document will be considered approved upon receipt of a two- thirds weighted affirmative vote of the Full Members.
Your vote to approve these documents signifies acceptance of:
• Directory #9 and Directory #10 reformatted criteria.
• Other criteria revisions as described above
Please log in to the NPCC Website with your User ID and password and cast your vote electronically by December 29th, 2011:
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America