Second Open Process Posting of NPCC Regional Reliability Directory #7 Special Protection Systems

Attached for your review and comment are clean and redlined versions of revised NPCC Directory #7 Special Protection Systems which has been posted to the NPCC Open Process for a second 45 day comment period.
Proposed revisions to the criteria posted during the first comment period include:
• The term “Special Protection System” (SPS) will be replaced by the NERC Glossary term “Remedial Action Scheme” (RAS).
• A review of the existing NPCC criteria to ensure that the criteria remains consistent with PRC -012-2 Remedial Action Schemes.
• Alignment of the existing regional review process to facilitate compliance with PRC -012-2.
• Revisions to the RAS approval process within NPCC.
During the first comment period the Task Forces also considered Member feedback on the contribution to system resilience and cost effectiveness of the individual criteria requirements within Directory #7 in accordance with the recommendations of the 2018 Strategic Review of the NPCC Criteria and the NPCC Directory Manual.
The Task Forces have considered Member comments received during the first posting and have made further changes to the document including:
• Clarified the language surrounding exceptions to the NPCC more stringent criteria.
• Alignment of the definition for a Limited Impact RAS (Type III) with the NERC footnote in PRC-012-2 along with a reference to the supplemental material in PRC-012-2 to highlight containment within the local area in order to define a Limited Impact RAS.
• Addressed the concern that a RAS could meet the criteria for both a Type I and a Limited Impact RAS, by revising the definition of a Type I and Type II RAS so that both are mutually exclusive of a Limited Impact RAS.
• Added security criteria for a Type I RAS.
• Minor revisions to the Flow Charts.
Second Comment Period:
In accordance with the NPCC Directory Development and Revision Manual, comments on the proposed revisions to Directory #7 Special Protection Systems will be received for forty-five days through October 12, 2020.
Comments should be submitted directly via email to:
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America