White House Memorandum to Combat Quantum Computing Threat

On May 04, 2022, The White House released a National Security Memorandum to promote U.S. leadership in quantum computing and mitigate risk to vulnerable Cryptographic Systems. Quantum computing "could jeopardize civilian and military communications, undermine supervisory and control systems for critical infrastructure, and defeat security protocols for most Internet-based financial transactions," the White House memo noted.
The National Security Agency (NSA) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will develop and publish new quantum-resistant cryptographic standards that can protect against these future attacks. The first sets of these standards are expected to be released publicly by 2024. The memo notes specific actions for government agencies to take through a multi-year process of migrating vulnerable computer systems to quantum-resistant cryptography as is feasible by 2035.
Link: White House Memorandum
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