NPCC New Board Members Announcement

NPCC Announces the Appointment of Seven New Board Members
Dedicated to the reliability, security of the bulk power system in the northeast USA and Canada
New York, NY – 2/15/23 – The Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc. (NPCC) has appointed seven new members to its board of directors.
“I am pleased to welcome these highly experienced industry leaders to help guide NPCC in its mission to assure a reliable, resilient and secure bulk power system in Northeastern North America,” said Charles Dickerson, President and Chief Executive Officer of NPCC. “As the industry’s generation mix and threat environment continues to change, our board is evolving, bringing new and diverse perspectives to complement those of our existing board members to continue mitigation of reliability risks in a rapidly changing energy industry.”
Peter Brandien is the Vice President, System Operations & Market Administration at ISO-New England. He is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the New England bulk power system and ensuring the fair administration of the region's wholesale electricity markets. This includes the Day-Ahead Energy & Load Response Markets, the Real-Time Energy, Reserve & Regulation Markets, and the Financial Transmission Rights & Forward Reserve Market Auctions, transmission and generation outage coordination, system restoration, operator training, NERC/NPCC compliance, and development of operating procedures.
Robert Brantley is Vice President of Central Engineering at Consolidated Edison Company of New York. He is responsible for delivering industry leading engineering solutions for the electric transmission system, substations, and the steam generation and distribution systems. He has 30 years of experience as a valued leader known for his extensive operational experience and strategic decision-making while balancing safety, reliability, technological advancement and fiscal responsibility.
Alan MacNaughton serves as the Executive Director of System Operations for the New Brunswick Power Corporation where he is responsible for the New Brunswick Power System Operator, which is the Reliability Coordinator for the Maritime Provinces of Canada. He is also responsible for the NB Power Distribution Control Centre, Telecommunications Network Operating Centre, Open Access Transmission Tariff, Integration of Distributed Energy Resources, corporate physical security, and corporate cyber security
Kim Moulton is the Senior Compliance Consultant at Archer Energy Solutions, LLC. She has over thirty (30) years of experience on NERC and FERC Compliance; Strategic Planning; Project Management; along with Engineering, Planning, and Risk Assessment of the electrical transmission system within Vermont. Her responsibilities include reviewing client’s compliance readiness with NERC and regional Operations & Planning (FERC Order 693) Reliability Standards and criteria, compliance documents and procedures to identify gaps with respect to complying with NERC/Regional Entity Reliability Standards and providing independent expert guidance/interpretations.
Robby Sohi is the COO and Vice President, Markets and Reliability of the Ontario IESO. He has more than 30 years of experience in generation, transmission, and distribution. Robby was previously Senior Vice President – Corporate Business Development & Strategy at Ontario Power Generation (OPG) having been appointed to OPG’s Enterprise Leadership Team in September 2020.
Paul Séguin serves as the Senior Vice President, Renewable Generation at Ontario Power generation (OPG). He is accountable for the operation of OPGs hydro, thermal and solar generating facilities, with oversight of the execution of a $250M annual project portfolio. He leads the renewable generation team of over 1,200 professionals.
Carleton Simpson has served as a Commissioner of the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission since November 2021. He started his career at Unitil as an engineer responsible for developing regulatory compliance programs pertaining to FERC and NERC electric reliability standards. He then served as the company’s Director of Government Affairs and subsequently as in- house legal Regulatory Counsel. He has extensive experience working on matters pertaining to electricity and natural gas distribution, transmission, cyber security, electrification, decarbonization and energy market regulation.
For more information on NPCC’s board of directors, visit
About NPCC
Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc. is one of six Regional Entities located throughout the United States, Canada, and portions of Mexico that, in concert with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, seeks to assure a highly reliable, resilient, and secure North American bulk power system through the effective and efficient identification, reduction, and mitigation of reliability risks. NPCC’s geographic area includes the six New England states, the State of New York, the provinces of Ontario, Québec, and the Canadian Maritime Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Overall, NPCC covers an area of nearly 1.2 million square miles, populated by approximately 56 million people.
NPCC carries out its mission through: (i) the development of regional reliability standards and compliance assessment and enforcement of continent-wide and Regional Reliability standards; (ii) coordination of system planning, design and operations, and assessment of reliability; and (iii) the establishment of Regionally specific criteria and monitoring and enforcement of compliance with such criteria.
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America