NPCC DER VER Forum 10-13-2022
September 26, 2022
NPCC Members and Registered Entities: The NPCC Regional Standards Committee (RSC) will be conducting a DER/VER Forum on Thursday, October 13, 2022, from 9 AM to 12 Noon EDT.
The Forum will be focused on “Transmission Integration – Current Trends and Future Challenges.” NPCC has confirmed speakers from Hydro One, ISO-New England, the Independent Electricity System Operator, and the Energy Systems Integration Group. The Forum will be conducted as a WEBEX meeting.
Link: WebEx
The DER/VER Forum is offered at no charge and no registration is required to attend.
Through the NPCC DER/VER Forum, the RSC works to leverage the experience of our members and other stakeholders to reliably facilitate increased amounts of distributed and variable resources.