NPCC Announces Search for Independent Board Chair Led by CarterBaldwin Executive Search

Northeast Power Coordinating Council, Inc. (NPCC) has retained Atlanta-based CarterBaldwin Executive Search to identify its next Independent Board Chair to join its Board of Directors.
Working closely with Charles Dickerson, President and Chief Executive Officer of NPCC and the current Board of Directors, the new Independent Board Chair will succeed current Board Chairman Harvey Reed who will be retiring after twelve exemplary years of service. Mr. Reed serves as NPCC’s Chairman of the Board and is a senior executive with extensive leadership experience in electric power industry. Mr. Reed held senior executive positions with Constellation Energy Group and the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company and was a principal at Ruxton Consulting. He has experience with the development of RTOs and ISOs and their electricity markets in the United States and Canada. He served as the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Management Committee of the NYISO, Vice-Chair of the NEPOOL Members Committee, and was on the Advisory Committee of the Midwest ISO. Mr. Reed will assist in the transition and continue his extraordinary service to the organization as NPCC’s Board Chairman through August, at which time he will enjoy the well-deserved milestone of retirement.
NPCC is a not-for-profit corporation in the state of New York responsible for promoting and enhancing the reliability of the international, interconnected bulk power system in Northeastern North America. NPCC is one of six Regional Entities which, together with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), make up the Electric Reliability Organization Enterprise. As a part of the ERO Enterprise, NPCC is committed to the collective vision of a highly reliable and secure North American bulk power system and shares the joint mission of assuring the effective and efficient reduction of risks to the reliability and security of the grid.
The NPCC geographic region includes seven states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont) and four Canadian provinces (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Québec). Overall, NPCC covers an area of nearly 1.2 million square miles, populated by more than 56 million people.
NPCC’s bylaws provide for open, inclusive membership, and fair and non-discriminatory governance with the corporation's activities directed by a balanced Board of Directors. NPCC’s governance is designed to assure fair stakeholder representation and independence in all activities performed. NPCC is governed by a hybrid Board of Directors, consisting of fourteen Stakeholder Directors, two Independent Directors, an Independent Board Chair and the President and CEO.
Chris Guiney, Partner and Energy and Infrastructure Practice Leader at CarterBaldwin, will lead the search. For more information, he can be reached via e-mail at
About CarterBaldwin Executive Search
CarterBaldwin is a retained executive search firm that partners with leading corporations, organizations, and institutions to help them build exceptional leadership teams. Our practice leaders have more than 100 years of combined executive search experience and are focused on delivering excellent results tailored to the unique goals and needs of every client.
With C-level corporate search as its foundation, CarterBaldwin has expanded its client portfolio to include non-profit and academic sectors and has evolved from a regional firm to a national firm with international reach. The company is listed among the Top 50, the Private Equity Power 75, and the Top 40 higher education search firms in the nation by Hunt Scanlon and has been recognized by Forbes as one of America’s Best Executive Recruiting Firms.
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America