NERC Issues Section 1600 Data Request for Internal Network Security Monitoring

NERC issued a Section 1600 Data Request for Internal Network Security Monitoring (INSM) on May 25, 2023. This data request is in response to a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission directive in Order No. 887 to conduct a study on the risks of the lack of, and challenges to implementing, internal network security monitoring for medium impact Bulk Electric System (BES) Cyber Systems without External Routable Connectivity and for all low impact BES Cyber Systems. Registered entities have 60 days to provide finalized responses.
Responses are due by July 25, 2023.
Entities Required to respond are:
- Balancing Authorities
- Distribution Providers
- Generator Owners
- Generator Operators
- Reliability Coordinators
- Transmission Owners
- Transmission Operators
- Distribution Providers with certain facilities listed in the applicability section of the CIP standards.
Primary Compliance Contacts (PCC) for reporting entities must respond by logging onto the NERC ERO portal and selecting “INSM Data Request” at the top of the page.
For more information, please review the NERC INSM Data Request.
If your entity has any questions, please direct them to: : [email protected].
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America