Announcement --- NPCC DER/VER Forum --- August 8, 2024

NPCC Members and Registered Entities:
The NPCC Regional Standards Committee (RSC) will be conducting a Distributed Energy Resource/Variable Energy
Resource (DER/VER) Forum on Thursday, August 8, 2024, from 9 AM to 12 Noon EDT.
The Forum will highlight issues surrounding Transmission and Interconnection, with presentations from the New York
State Department of Public Service, Hydro Quebec, PSEG Long Island and the New York
Power Authority. The Forum will be conducted virtually as a Webex meeting, attendance is free, and
no registration is required to attend.
Link: Webex
Through its DER/VER Forums, NPCC promotes collaboration and information-sharing among its stakeholders.
A detailed agenda with further information will be provided prior to the meeting.
Please contact with inquiries.
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America