A Joint Cybersecurity Information Sheet (CIS): Keeping PowerShell: Measures to Use and Embrace

June 30, 2022
On June 22, 2022, a Joint CIS was issued from the National Security Agency (NSA), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the New Zealand National Cyber Security Centre (NZ NCSC), and the United Kingdom National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-UK) which provides details on using PowerShell® and its security measures. This CIS covers how PowerShell can help defenders manage the Windows operating system, by:
- Enabling forensics efforts,
- Improving incident response, and
- Allowing automation of common or repetitive tasks.
The CIS describes multiple PowerShell security applications and identifies available PowerShell features per version and operating system.
Link: CISA CIS Keeping PowerShell: Security Measures to Use and Embrace
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