Regional Criteria

The goal of NPCC’s Regional Criteria is to develop more stringent operating, planning and protection criteria to enhance the reliability of the international, interconnected bulk power system in Northeastern North America. NPCC’s reliability criteria are developed and maintained pursuant to the NERC Rules of Procedure and are documented within Directories that organize the criteria along with functionally relevant supporting guidelines and procedures.
NPCC recognizes the importance of maintaining an appropriate balance between the incremental reliability benefit achieved by the criteria versus the cost to maintain or implement those criteria. Accordingly, an evaluation of the cost effectiveness of the criteria is conducted during the regular review cycle of each Directory.
List of Directories
- NPCC Glossary of Terms Used by Directories
- Directory #1: Design and Operation of the Bulk Power System
- Directory #2: Emergency Operations
- Directory #4: Bulk Power System Protection Criteria
- Directory #5: Reserve
- Directory #6: Reserve Sharing Groups
- Directory #7: Remedial Action Schemes
- Directory #8: System Restoration
- Directory #11: Disturbance Monitoring Equipment Criteria
View all Regional Criteria Documents
NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America