Violation Trends and Compliance Enforcement Updates

Event Details

Attendance Options: Remote

Date: Tuesday April 23rd, 2024

Time: 10 – 11AM EDT

Microsoft Teams: Registration Link

Join the NPCC Compliance Enforcement team as they host a webinar covering the following topics and answer common questions within the Enforcement Program.  An open Q&A will be held after the presentation.

  1. Enforcement 101
    • NPCC Enforcement Team
    • Purpose of Enforcement
    • Enforcement Tools (CE/FFT/SNOP)
  2. Violation Metrics
    • Forecasting
    • CIP/O&P
    • Top 10 Violated Standards
    • Discovery Methods
    • Enforcement Output
    • Open Caseload
  3. FAQ Enforcement Questions
    • What is enforcement doing to address the high number of incoming violations?
    • Why are more violations being reported?
    • What is the status of my violation?
    • Why is my violation taking so long to process?
    • I may have encountered a violation, what do I do?        
    • How can I help with the enforcement process?
    • Do all violations result in a monetary penalty?
    • Q&A

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NPCC is dedicated to the continued reliability of the bulk power system in Northeastern North America